Sadhanapada at Isha Yoga Center, 2025

Sadhanapada at Isha Yoga Center, 2025

Tell us about yourself
Sorry! The applicant should have completed 18 years.
Please provide valid phone code and number.
Please provide valid phone code and number.
Preferred Location
Please note that going through the program at your preferred program location is not assured and will be subject to the decision of the Sadhanapada team.
Let's get to know you better
Applicants must have completed Inner Engineering with Shambhavi Mahamudra to be eligible for Sadhanapada.

Have you completed Inner Engineering program including Shambhavi Mahamudra? *

Please select at least one that applies to you.

Why do you want to take up Sadhanapada? *

(Please select all the answers that apply to you)

I want to ...

Max 300 characters allowed
Please select at least one that applies to you.

What inspired you the most to apply for Sadhanapada?

Max 300 characters allowed
Please select at least one that applies to you.

Anything else you'd like to share?

Max 300 characters allowed
Help us reach more people like you
Before you SUBMIT, here’s a bit more you can tell us. It’s not mandatory but we’d appreciate it if you took the time.

What did you think of Sadhanapada reels and posts?

They were ...

Isha Foundation reserves the right to reject any application without having to furnish any reason for doing so.